水手约翰纳斯·布罗姆的父亲阿列克桑德是一艘打捞船的船长,七年前,他勾搭上了杂耍班的歌女莎莉。在寻欢之余,他老惦记着沉船中的钱,担心儿子是否会亲自动手开工。当阿列克桑德把莎莉带回到船上时,打捞工作果然开始。约翰纳斯要去搞护照.因为他想出国学习,让自己成为真正的海员。可他父亲却阻拦他。在绝望中,他借酒浇愁,醉后向莎莉套近乎,被莎莉拒绝。约翰纳斯带水手潜下水打捞沉船,而父亲却亲自操纵氧气泵企图谋害儿子,约翰纳斯逃走了,然后带着警察找上门来,父亲被迫自杀。……约翰纳斯在海上漂泊了七年后回到故乡。他回到家里便发现莎莉疲惫不堪地躺在床上,她拒绝任何人的同情。 约翰纳斯向莎莉表示了爱情,准备把她带走。
Sailor Johannes Blom returns to his home port, after seven years at sea, to find that Sally, the girl he has been thinking of while awa y, is completely despondent. Seven years earlier, obstreperous Alexander Blom, brings his mistress Sally to live with him, his wife Alice, son Johannes, and crew, aboard the salvage boat he captains. Amidst all the tensions on the small boat, Johannes and Sally fall in love with each other. Written by Will Gilbert